Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cabbage carrot thuvaran / Curry


  1. Cabbage - 1/4 kg
  2. Carrot - 1 nos
  3. Green peas - 2 tablespoons
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  6. Red chilly - 3 nos
  7. Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  8. Urad dhal - 1.5 teaspoons
  9. Oil - 1 tablespoon
  10. Curry leaves - 10 leaves
  11. Moong dhal - 1 handful
  12. Coconut scrapings - 3 tablespoon (Substitute coconut powder can be used - see the substitute recipe)
  • Soak moong dhal for 1/2 hour and boil lightly so that the moong dhal pieces stand separately
  • Heat oil in a pan and roast urad dhal, mustard, red chilly and curry leaves
  • Then add all the finely cut vegetables with salt and turmeric
  • Keep the flame low and cover it with a lid
  • Allow it to simmer for 15 minutes 
  • When the vegetables are cooked, add the boiled coarse dhal
  • Add coconut scrapings (3 tablespoons) to the vegetables
  • Stir well and remove from fire


    1. Hi Kanthi,

      Nice site with traditional recipes. Love it. I am learning a few from you. When reading your bonda recipe you have reminded me of my mother she does exactly. You should write how you serve the dishes with. Happy blogging!

      Best regards

    2. This is what imI'looking for. Thank you so much :)


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